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রবিবার, ১৫ মে, ২০১৬

Shortcut Virus কে Remove করুন ১০০% কাজের code


How to Remove Shortcut Virus in PC and Flash Drive
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Usually, when any of the files infected by this virus, it is hard to find it and eventually it becomes corrupted and hard to finds, as a result, the entire system gets end, which is not good for a PC. This guide is for the users whose computers are suffering with this problem. First let me make you know the types of viruses that can infect the computer.
Shortcut virus usually has two types of variations. One of them is Flash drive Shortcut virus and the second one is the File and Folder Shortcut virus.
As the name says, this type of virus affects your files and folders by replacing the originals with shortcuts.exe. This virus is a combination of Trojan and Worm. Bad thing about this kind of virus is there won’t be any other option except to click on them to open the files and folders. Then the virus starts spreading to the entire computer, and enters the malicious software then steal the important data including credit card information.
Flash Driver Shortcut Virus
remove short cut virus from flash drive
Unlike folder and file virus, flash drive shortcut virus is pure Trojan virus. It combines each file in your device and puts in a hidden folder. After that it creates a Flash Disk similar to shortcut.exe, just like the folder shortcut virus, there won’t be a choice for you except to click on the file. Once after installing the application, it spies on your computer and steals you financial records and other important files if they are not detected in the beginning.

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রবিবার, ১৫ মে, ২০১৬

Shortcut Virus কে Remove করুন ১০০% কাজের code


How to Remove Shortcut Virus in PC and Flash Drive
Click here See video
Usually, when any of the files infected by this virus, it is hard to find it and eventually it becomes corrupted and hard to finds, as a result, the entire system gets end, which is not good for a PC. This guide is for the users whose computers are suffering with this problem. First let me make you know the types of viruses that can infect the computer.
Shortcut virus usually has two types of variations. One of them is Flash drive Shortcut virus and the second one is the File and Folder Shortcut virus.
As the name says, this type of virus affects your files and folders by replacing the originals with shortcuts.exe. This virus is a combination of Trojan and Worm. Bad thing about this kind of virus is there won’t be any other option except to click on them to open the files and folders. Then the virus starts spreading to the entire computer, and enters the malicious software then steal the important data including credit card information.
Flash Driver Shortcut Virus
remove short cut virus from flash drive
Unlike folder and file virus, flash drive shortcut virus is pure Trojan virus. It combines each file in your device and puts in a hidden folder. After that it creates a Flash Disk similar to shortcut.exe, just like the folder shortcut virus, there won’t be a choice for you except to click on the file. Once after installing the application, it spies on your computer and steals you financial records and other important files if they are not detected in the beginning.

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