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রবিবার, ১৫ মে, ২০১৬

Certificate Problem? nokia symbian (Hacking )


Files need to be downloaded:

3. Rom Pacther+ 3.1 Lite or Ziddu mirror

(If you face any download problem, then try Ziddu mirror )
1. Connect your phone with PC in mass memory mode,or memory card mode.
2. Download and unpack,

3. Now copy the "private" folder and go to your phone mass storage or memory card (e:\)

4. Paste the "Private" folder inside your memory card.

5. Install DrWeb6 and Launch it.

6. Select "cancel",

7. Go to "Options"
8. Select "Quarantine"

9. In the Quarantine section, you'll find 3 files(if you've successfully     completed step 4). Now go to "Options"

10. Select "Select all"

11. After process #10, all files will be selected. Now again, goto "Options"

12. Select "Restore"

13. After restoring, there will be no files in the quarantine section. Just like the picture. This step ensures your success. So if you've done all the previous steps just like the pictures, 99% of your job is done!

note: If you find that, 3 files have become 6 then your phone is already hacked. In that case, Just follow the steps from #14.

14. Now, install and launch ROMPatcher+, and select "Options"

15. Now select "All Patches"

16. Finally "Apply"

17. Now if you've done all these steps according to the direction then you'll see blue icons have changed! Just like the picture bellow...

Finally, Problem solved!! Hurrayyy!....:D

Now you can install all unsigned apps and games without any certificate problem!! Congratulations!!

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রবিবার, ১৫ মে, ২০১৬

Certificate Problem? nokia symbian (Hacking )


Files need to be downloaded:

3. Rom Pacther+ 3.1 Lite or Ziddu mirror

(If you face any download problem, then try Ziddu mirror )
1. Connect your phone with PC in mass memory mode,or memory card mode.
2. Download and unpack,

3. Now copy the "private" folder and go to your phone mass storage or memory card (e:\)

4. Paste the "Private" folder inside your memory card.

5. Install DrWeb6 and Launch it.

6. Select "cancel",

7. Go to "Options"
8. Select "Quarantine"

9. In the Quarantine section, you'll find 3 files(if you've successfully     completed step 4). Now go to "Options"

10. Select "Select all"

11. After process #10, all files will be selected. Now again, goto "Options"

12. Select "Restore"

13. After restoring, there will be no files in the quarantine section. Just like the picture. This step ensures your success. So if you've done all the previous steps just like the pictures, 99% of your job is done!

note: If you find that, 3 files have become 6 then your phone is already hacked. In that case, Just follow the steps from #14.

14. Now, install and launch ROMPatcher+, and select "Options"

15. Now select "All Patches"

16. Finally "Apply"

17. Now if you've done all these steps according to the direction then you'll see blue icons have changed! Just like the picture bellow...

Finally, Problem solved!! Hurrayyy!....:D

Now you can install all unsigned apps and games without any certificate problem!! Congratulations!!

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