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মঙ্গলবার, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৪

63 Custom Roms for Symphony Xplorer W125

By Al-amin Akash on Friday, November 1, 2013 at 8:12pm
1. ProjectDoge v1.0.3: <a></a>

2. Emotion UI 1.6: <a></a>

3. HybridX - Superior Mixof Touchwiz and AOSP:
4. MagicOS/Me! v3: <a></a>

5. XOLOCyanide:

6.The Redefined OS [X-MiUltimate]: <a></a>

7. Hike OS: <a></a>

8.Color OS v1.0.1i Stable:

9.Kit Kat Delight:

10. LeWa OS v5: <a></a>

11. ME! ROM V2 (Normal& Slim Edition):<a></a>

12. SuperBean Real 4.2.2Vanilla Styled: <a></a>

13. Color Os Version 1.3.3:<a></a>

14. Gravity_X:<a></a>

15. ALL VIEWP5 QUAD 4.2.1: Official <a></a> (Originallink, need to edit)
<a></a> (Modified link, nothing need to edit)

16. Note 3Metal Blue Goa v3 : <a></a>

17. AwesomeLenovo P780: <a></a>

18. STOCKBASED LITE ROM 4.2.1: <a></a>

19. PureXperiaFinal v3.2.1: <a></a>

20. X-Mi FinalVersion:

21. NOTE 3 V2: <a></a>

22.New S4latest:
Or, downloadlink

23. NotelllBlue v1: <a></a>

24. MIUI V53.11.23 Ultimate Edition (latest version): <a></a>

25. LEWA OS: <a></a>

26. NoteIII  duos V2.0.0: <a></a>

27. X-Mi V2(Based on MiUi V5): <a></a>

28. Baidu OSRedefined:

29. PureXperiaUltimate:

30. NexusRedefined- Final version:

31. MIUI V53.9.X Ultimate Edition:

32. Xtreme ROM(4.2.1): <a></a>

33.Alternative V5: <a></a>

34. XoloCanvas v1.0: <a></a>

35. PureXperiav2.5: <a>,2020.0.html</a>

36. MIUIV5 3.8.30: <a>,1820.0.html</a>

37.XoloLiquid v2.0: <a></a>

38. CompleteCopy of Xperia Z: <a></a>

39. S4 ThemedAwesome ROM: <a></a>

40. New MIUIrom Based on 4.2.1: <a></a>

41. UltimateV2: <a></a>

42. Customised4.2.1: <a></a>

43. S4 New ROMUpdated:

44.First HomeBrewed: <a></a>

45.JellyXperia V2: <a></a>

46. Zopo 910Slim Rom: <a></a>

47. Lewa OSunder IQ446: <a></a>

48. Xolonee:

49.JellyDeamon V1.0: <a></a>

50. GioneeGN708W SV1.7: <a></a>

51. AltenativeV5: <a></a>

52. EnRagedEdition:

53. XPERIA HD: <a></a>

54. iNfinityHD V2: <a></a>

55. GamerzROMMTK Nexus:

56. XoloXperiaV1.0: <a></a>

57. XOLONexus V2: <a></a>

58. Perfectedandroid 4.2.1: <a></a>

59. Xlife x3: <a></a>

60. ULTIMATEV1: <a></a>

61. Port ofJIAYU G4 Advanced (OS 4.2): <a></a>

62. Xolo NexusEdition:

63.Alternative Custom V4: <a></a>

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মঙ্গলবার, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৪

63 Custom Roms for Symphony Xplorer W125

By Al-amin Akash on Friday, November 1, 2013 at 8:12pm
1. ProjectDoge v1.0.3: <a></a>

2. Emotion UI 1.6: <a></a>

3. HybridX - Superior Mixof Touchwiz and AOSP:
4. MagicOS/Me! v3: <a></a>

5. XOLOCyanide:

6.The Redefined OS [X-MiUltimate]: <a></a>

7. Hike OS: <a></a>

8.Color OS v1.0.1i Stable:

9.Kit Kat Delight:

10. LeWa OS v5: <a></a>

11. ME! ROM V2 (Normal& Slim Edition):<a></a>

12. SuperBean Real 4.2.2Vanilla Styled: <a></a>

13. Color Os Version 1.3.3:<a></a>

14. Gravity_X:<a></a>

15. ALL VIEWP5 QUAD 4.2.1: Official <a></a> (Originallink, need to edit)
<a></a> (Modified link, nothing need to edit)

16. Note 3Metal Blue Goa v3 : <a></a>

17. AwesomeLenovo P780: <a></a>

18. STOCKBASED LITE ROM 4.2.1: <a></a>

19. PureXperiaFinal v3.2.1: <a></a>

20. X-Mi FinalVersion:

21. NOTE 3 V2: <a></a>

22.New S4latest:
Or, downloadlink

23. NotelllBlue v1: <a></a>

24. MIUI V53.11.23 Ultimate Edition (latest version): <a></a>

25. LEWA OS: <a></a>

26. NoteIII  duos V2.0.0: <a></a>

27. X-Mi V2(Based on MiUi V5): <a></a>

28. Baidu OSRedefined:

29. PureXperiaUltimate:

30. NexusRedefined- Final version:

31. MIUI V53.9.X Ultimate Edition:

32. Xtreme ROM(4.2.1): <a></a>

33.Alternative V5: <a></a>

34. XoloCanvas v1.0: <a></a>

35. PureXperiav2.5: <a>,2020.0.html</a>

36. MIUIV5 3.8.30: <a>,1820.0.html</a>

37.XoloLiquid v2.0: <a></a>

38. CompleteCopy of Xperia Z: <a></a>

39. S4 ThemedAwesome ROM: <a></a>

40. New MIUIrom Based on 4.2.1: <a></a>

41. UltimateV2: <a></a>

42. Customised4.2.1: <a></a>

43. S4 New ROMUpdated:

44.First HomeBrewed: <a></a>

45.JellyXperia V2: <a></a>

46. Zopo 910Slim Rom: <a></a>

47. Lewa OSunder IQ446: <a></a>

48. Xolonee:

49.JellyDeamon V1.0: <a></a>

50. GioneeGN708W SV1.7: <a></a>

51. AltenativeV5: <a></a>

52. EnRagedEdition:

53. XPERIA HD: <a></a>

54. iNfinityHD V2: <a></a>

55. GamerzROMMTK Nexus:

56. XoloXperiaV1.0: <a></a>

57. XOLONexus V2: <a></a>

58. Perfectedandroid 4.2.1: <a></a>

59. Xlife x3: <a></a>

60. ULTIMATEV1: <a></a>

61. Port ofJIAYU G4 Advanced (OS 4.2): <a></a>

62. Xolo NexusEdition:

63.Alternative Custom V4: <a></a>

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