Name-Galaxy Universal Remote
এই এপপ দিয়ে সহজে আপনার Android ফোন কে TV রিমোট হিসাবে use করতে পারবেন।বেস্ট এপপ ফর use as tv রিমোট। এটা একটি অল IN ONE এপপ। এটা দিয়ে আপনি কন্ট্রোল করতে পারবেন -your TV, your Set-top Box, your Audio Video Receiver, your Sound System, your Amplifier, your DVD Player, your Blu-ray Player, your Media or Streaming Player, your Air Conditioner, your Projector, your DSLR camera, your PS3, your Xbox, and more!
হু যা পড়ছেন true পড়ছেন।it possible. No external hardware required. No network connection required. No permissions required.
হু যা পড়ছেন true পড়ছেন।it possible. No external hardware required. No network connection required. No permissions required.
- Save each one of your devices so that you can easily access them later.
- Control all of your devices from just one screen, by creating your own custom remote, where you can add buttons from different devices in a single tab!
- Customize your remote control by changing the number of tabs, the layout, the colors, the style of each button, and more.
- Save a sequence of actions (macro) to be executed one by one. For example you can turn on your TV, turn on your cable box, wait 1 second, go to channel 100 and turn up the volume. All of these actions saved in a single button.
- Send your own custom IR code and save it to a button.
- If your device is not listed in the app, you can use the scan mode to automatically test all brands and models in order to find a compatible one.
- Back up and restore all your saved devices and remotes so that you can easily transfer them to another phone.
- Add widgets at your home screen to control your devices without even opening the app.
- Transfer your remotes to your Android Wear Smartwatch, so that you control all your devices directly through your watch.
- This application works with phones or tablets that have an IR blaster
more info-Playstore

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