আজ শেয়ার করতে এসেছি একটি চমৎকার video editing software নিয়ে। যার নাম
Sony Vegas Pro 13. এর সাথে Patch ফাইল ও দিয়ে দিয়েছি।আশা করি আপনাদের কাজে
যে কোন প্রফেশনাল অথবা হোম ভিডিও তৈরি করার জন্য এর জুড়ি মেলা ভার।
এর প্যাচটা কিভাবে সফল ভাবে করতে হয় তা এই >> ভিডিওতে << পাবেন। না দেখে করলে ভুল হবার সম্ভাবনা থাকতে পারে।তবুও বলছিঃ
ইন্সটল করে সফটওয়্যার টা ওপেন করবেন না। প্যাচ ফাইল ওপেন করে প্যাচ বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।৩-৪ মিঃ অপেক্ষা করুন। এবার ওপেন করুন। আশাকরি হয়ে যাবে। না হলে আনইন্সটল করে আবার চেষ্টা করুন। তবে আশা করি প্রথম প্রচেষ্টায় হয়ে যাবে।
তাই বন্ধুরা কথা না বাড়িয়ে ডাউনলড করে নিন Sony Vegas Pro 13 ull Version.
এর ফিচার সমুহঃ
যে কোন প্রফেশনাল অথবা হোম ভিডিও তৈরি করার জন্য এর জুড়ি মেলা ভার।
এর প্যাচটা কিভাবে সফল ভাবে করতে হয় তা এই >> ভিডিওতে << পাবেন। না দেখে করলে ভুল হবার সম্ভাবনা থাকতে পারে।তবুও বলছিঃ
ইন্সটল করে সফটওয়্যার টা ওপেন করবেন না। প্যাচ ফাইল ওপেন করে প্যাচ বাটনে ক্লিক করুন।৩-৪ মিঃ অপেক্ষা করুন। এবার ওপেন করুন। আশাকরি হয়ে যাবে। না হলে আনইন্সটল করে আবার চেষ্টা করুন। তবে আশা করি প্রথম প্রচেষ্টায় হয়ে যাবে।
তাই বন্ধুরা কথা না বাড়িয়ে ডাউনলড করে নিন Sony Vegas Pro 13 ull Version.
এর ফিচার সমুহঃ
Vegas Pro 13
Video, audio, and Blu-ray™ Disc creation.
Unparalleled video editing power
of thoughtful, innovative features make Vegas Pro one of the most fluid
and intuitive editing platforms on the market. When you move events on
the timeline, visual alignment confirmation and user-definable snapping
tools ensure that your media lands exactly where you need it with frame
accuracy, and even sub-frame accuracy for audio. Automatically move or
slip audio or video inside an event to synchronize media quickly and
accurately. Insert audio or video envelopes to interactively control
stereo or surround-sound panning and volume, video event velocity, and
video track opacity. And that’s just the beginning of what you can do.
Expanded edit mode
Double-click at the edit point to see the timeline in a detailed A-B Roll view. The adjacent frames of the events at the edit point appear clearly above the tracks for reference, and unused media in the events appears in the timeline. With the edit point/event edge highlighted in red, you can trim it with the mouse or numeric keypad. Set a Loop Region around the edit point to dynamically add or remove frames from either side of the edit point while the media plays to create a highly precise, interactive editing experience.

Project interchange
Import and export a wide range of project files to and from Vegas Pro. Convert between the native .veg file and AAF for Avid® ProTools® 10, XML for Apple® Final Cut Pro® 7, Final Cut Pro X, DaVinci Resolve 10, and .prproj for Adobe® Premiere® Pro CC and After Effects® CC.4K support
Vegas Pro natively supports frame sizes up to 4096 x 4096. The 4K image standard for digital cinema projection is 4096 x 2160 pixels. This level of resolution provides more detail and flexibility to pan and crop when delivering in HD. It's ideal for compositing and video effects work as it provides a high-quality final output. Vegas Pro natively supports XAVC and XAVC S files as well as RED ONE® and RED EPIC® files.

GPU acceleration
Better playback, faster renders. Take advantage of the power of the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) found in many of today's most popular video display cards for smoother video playback and faster rendering. Vegas Pro 13 leverages the GPU for video effects, transitions, compositing, pan/crop, track motion, and encoding. An optimized hardware configuration that uses an appropriate GPU device dramatically improves timeline performance. Enjoy higher resolution previews with multiple effects in Vegas Pro 13, and crank encoding speeds up by as much as six times over previous versions to popular formats like AVC. Vegas Pro 13 uses OpenCL™-supported devices from AMD, NVIDIA, and Intel to unleash your creative vision.Multi-format native editing
Vegas Pro takes a no transcode, no rewrap approach with Panasonic P2 AVC-Intra and DVCPRO source material. Vegas Pro eliminates the transcode and rewrap process that other applications require, so editors can save valuable production time, minimize storage requirements, and preserve the pristine quality of the original source material. Other natively supported codecs and formats include XAVC, XAVC S, XDCAM™, XDCAM EX, NXCAM, HDCAM-SR™, AVCCAM, RED® R3D, AVCHD, and AVC-based MOV files from popular DSLR cameras. For 3D content creation, Vegas Pro also supports stereoscopic 3D MVC and MPO files from Sony camcorders.Sync Link
Establish a hierarchal relationship between timeline events during editing. Move Child events independently of their Parent event, or move the Parent event and move all of its Child events simultaneously to keep the family in perfect synchronization.
Multicamera editing
multicamera productions intuitively and efficiently. Specify shots as
you play back your project. Switch between as many as 32 video sources
with a keyboard command or a click of your mouse. Vegas Pro software
keeps all unused shots. Easily expand a multicamera track into component
events to get a complete picture of your project so you can refine the
Smart Proxy workflow
high-performance, edit-friendly Smart Proxy clips in the Project Media
window and enjoy faster playback on a wider variety of hardware. Media
automatically and dynamically switches from the original to the proxy
based on the Preview playback settings. Original media files are always
available for the final render. You can also set a preference to
automatically create proxy files when you add Ultra HD media to your
Comprehensive S-log workflow
technology enables cameras such as the Sony PMW-F3 to capture images
with amazing dynamic range and tonal reproduction. Through OpenColorIO
technology developed by Sony Pictures Imageworks, Vegas Pro 13 supports
S-log via the Academy Color Encoding System (ACES) color space standard.
Based on the creative goals and display devices available, Vegas Pro 13
applies the appropriate LUT (Look-up Table) during the editing process.
You can then edit the encoded project to a wide range of formats with
ACES-defined color space standards as well as other popular non-ACES
Video effects and compositing
its impressive editing capabilities, Vegas Pro 13 is a full-featured
compositing and effects application. Combine up to 32 effects per
effects chain and apply them at the event, track, media, and project
level. Parent/Child tracks and sophisticated 2D and 3D compositing modes
create a flexible compositing environment. Advanced OpenFX plug-in
architecture opens the door for hundreds of optional effects from
leading visual effects plug-in developers. Import layered Photoshop®
files with each layer on its own track to create custom keyframeable
motion graphics sequences and overlays. Work in 8-bit mode for speed or
32-bit floating point mode for optimal color processing precision.
Shape masking tools
Use Bézier drawing tools to quickly and easily create rectangular and oval-shaped masks which isolate or mask out portions of your media and create interesting video composites. Or, use powerful mask customization tools to create complex and precise masks of any shape imagenable.

FX masking
Mask an effect rather than the image itself. This is particularly useful for quickly blurring or pixelating an area of a video clip, to hide a logo, license plate, or a person's face.Color match
Match colors between clips in the highly versatile and powerful L*a*b* color space. Choose a preset from the Preset drop-down list or use the controls to choose the image you want to match. Capture both the source and target images independently from the Trimmer window, the clipboard, a file on your computer, any area of your computer screen, or the Video Preview window.
OpenFX architecture
Pro supports powerful OpenFX plug-ins including many from third-party
developers so you can access your ever-expanding collection of filters
and effects. The extension for GPU rendering with OpenGL®
textures allows third-party OpenFX plug-ins that use OpenGL to leverage
the power of the GPU more effectively within the Vegas Pro. You can also
utilize position controls and effects handles right in the Video
Preview window with plug-ins that feature OpenFX on-screen
LAB adjust and L*a*b* color space histogram
colors in the powerful L*a*b* color space. The LAB Adjust tool uses the
same technology as the Color Match plug-in and takes advantage of the
perceptually uniform L*a*b* color standard to provide dramatic and
precise control over the color characteristics of your content. In
addition, the Video Scopes: L*a*b* Histogram view can display the L, a
and b channel distributions of the images in the L*a*b* color space – a
useful tool that can also be used very effectively with the Color Match
Compositing modes
Pro 13 uses a multi-layer, top-down paradigm for compositing and
masking, with the ability to assign tracks as Parent or Child tracks.
Apply Compositor Effects including Bump Map, Height Map, and
Displacement Map to create stylized lighting and textured looks. Vegas
Pro 13 supports an impressive variety of compositing modes including
Add, Subtract, Dodge, Burn, Source Alpha, Multiply (Mask), Lighten,
Darken, Cut, Screen, Overlay, Hard Light, Difference, and Difference
Squared. The 3D Compositing mode enables tracks to be moved and rotated
anywhere in 3D space, and the results can be used in a stereoscopic 3D
Robust video plug-in architecture
Video Effects Plug-In SDK, based on the Open Effects Association
platform, is a contemporary technology that provides an optimized
programming environment for third-party plug-in developers. The
resulting steady stream of new and innovative plug-ins gives Vegas Pro
editors a wide range of special effects and fresh techniques for
creating cutting-edge productions.
Create 3D projects as easily as 2D
stereoscopic 3D projects with the same workflow you use for 2D media!
Vegas Pro 13 provides the ability to import, adjust, edit, preview, and
output stereoscopic 3D media. Deliver to industry-standard professional
formats as single or dual files with side-by-side, top/bottom, or
line-alternate encoding. You can also monitor and deliver your project
in multiple anaglyphic formats.
Powerful monitoring solutions
It’s critical to be able to monitor in 3D when applying edits to 3D video. The Video Preview window provides an extensive selection of viewing options including channel specific, top/bottom, side-by-side, a blend of both (useful for some 3D adjustments), or anaglyphic display. Professional editors can use an SDI or HDMI connection with a line-alternate 3D display to deliver a high-end preview experience.

Stereoscopic 3D adjustments
Use the powerful Stereoscopic 3D Adjust filter to correct for camera misalignments and adjust the screen depth of the target object to place it exactly where you want it in the 3D field. Utilize the stereoscopic editing tools to easily correct stereoscopic 3D screen edge violations. You can also shift the horizontal offset in some 2D effects and transitions in order to adjust the perceived depth of the effect.Auto correct footage
correct 3D video to ensure proper alignment of footage that would
otherwise be ruined by minor camera setup discrepancies.
True stereoscopic 3D camera for 3D track motion compositing
3D motion effects with precise control over Z depth, plane
intersection, compositing, and more. The Parent Motion feature allows
you to move and rotate multiple tracks in 3D space as a unit. Create 3D
motion changes in real time and preview them instantly.
Integrated 3D adjustments
the integrated tools for basic 3D adjustments to improve your 3D
project. Typical corrections include horizontal and vertical offsets,
zoom discrepancies, keystone, and rotation. Tools to flip video
horizontally and vertically and to automatically crop images help to
ensure professional 3D results.
Add depth to 2D elements
the traditional Vegas Pro track compositing methods to intermix 2D
elements—such as backgrounds, titles, graphical elements, or keyed
video—with 3D content using the traditional Vegas Pro track compositing
methods. Give these elements depth in the 3D output using the same
horizontal offset adjustment tools used for 3D media.
Complete multitrack audio environment
Vegas Pro 13 collection includes powerful audio recording and editing
tools for the most demanding productions. Record audio in a multitrack
environment with input buses, professional metering, punch-in recording,
unlimited tracks, and more. Enjoy real-time envelope automation
recording, join audio with a variety of automatic crossfade types, and
create mixes with assignable effects. Mix with external control
surfaces, route signals via Master and Aux outputs, and more. No other
NLE provides a digital audio workstation feature set that comes close to
the tools in Vegas Pro.
Surround sound mixing and encoding
Vegas Pro 13 has extensive 5.1 surround sound mixing tools. Automate the surround panning on tracks and buses to mix the most demanding DVD and Blu-ray Disc soundtracks, all right inside the Vegas Pro environment. Apply 5.1-channel audio effects to the master bus for enhanced control over surround mixes. Export projects as discrete tracks for post-encoding, or encode directly to Dolby Digital® surround with the Sony Creative Software Dolby Digital-certified AC-3 Pro encoder. In addition, the DVD Architect Pro software imports AC-3 files for multichannel 5.1 DVD and Blu-ray Disc creation.

Extensive audio effects
Vegas Pro software supports the popular VST plug-in format. Apply signal and effects processing to individual audio events, all events on a track, and buses. Choose from more than 30 included real-time signal and effects processing tools along with any VST plug-ins on your system. Automate effects with envelope control for each parameter. Vegas Pro software includes essential effects such as Wave Hammer Compression, EQ, and noise gate as well as reverb, chorus, and delay. Surround effects for the master bus include EQ, dither, and Wave Hammer Surround compression tools.Audio event FX
Pro allows editors to incorporate audio effects at the event level,
track level, bus level, and master output stage, for maximum flexibility
when working with multitrack projects.
High-resolution audio support
Pro 13 software supports high-resolution 24-bit/192 kHz audio files for
the ultimate in sonic fidelity. In addition, the ability to edit at the
sample level enables you to execute ultra-precise adjustments to the
audio between the video frames, to remove random pops and clicks or to
re-establish sync.
Broadcast Wave format support
Vegas Pro 13 supports BWF for easy exchange between audio editors and broadcasting platforms.
Input buses
monitor, and mix audio from external devices via input buses. Use the
real-time rendering option to mix audio from external audio devices into
your final render.
Multithreaded audio engine
Pro 13 software takes advantage of multicore and hyper-threading
computer systems to maximize available hardware resources. By leveraging
the full capabilities of the hardware and reducing direct CPU load, you
will notice:
- Greater number of tracks and audio/video effects for real-time preview
- Improved performance at lower latencies
- Faster audio render times
Envelope automation recording
track envelope and keyframe parameters in real time with a mouse or
external control surface hardware. Choose between touch and latch record
modes and utilize automatic post-record keyframe thinning. Automation
parameter control is available for both stereo and 5.1 tracks and buses,
as well as for video track envelopes.
Import, export, and media management
Pro 13 contains extensive capture, import, and export support for video
and audio devices. The integrated Device Explorer works with a wide
range of file-based acquisition formats from Sony and other
manufacturers and enables you to quickly browse the files on the
camcorder and transfer only those needed for the project. Vegas Pro 13
also supports legacy tape-based formats, with full print-to-tape
functionality. For XDCAM Optical customers, the XDCAM Explorer provides a
complete and extensive proxy workflow with metadata support. Powerful
features in the Vegas Pro Explorer and Project Media windows enable you
to sort through your content more intelligently and greatly enhance the
editing experience. You can also encode to HDCAM SR™ for extremely high
quality mastering and archiving.
Project media tagging
Quickly categorize your media with customizable tags. Apply a Media Tag to the entire clip or to a region of a clip. Vegas Pro automatically organizes each tagged clip into appropriately named Media Bins. Quick Search enables instant filtering of media based on a single text field. The Search Media dialog facilitates more complex searches with multiple conditions, and makes the bins it creates smart. Smart Bins update automatically when you change media tags or add new media that matches the search criteria.

Native XAVC Support
Vegas™ Pro 13 is a native HD, 2K, and 4K XAVC™ editor that features built-in support for XAVC and XAVC S files with the same drag-and-drop, no transcode simplicity that Vegas Pro users have enjoyed with other popular formats—no expensive add-ons or plug-ins needed! For optimal performance with 2K and 4K XAVC or XAVC S content, use the smart proxy HD workflow for full frame rate playback on a wide variety of hardware configurations, from compact laptops to advanced multi-core workstations.Easy capturing
the Device Explorer to capture media from nearly any video or audio
device into the Vegas Pro application. To add media to your project,
simply drag it from the Device Explorer to the Project Media window, the
timeline, or the Trimmer window. The powerful browse operation makes it
easy to navigate to media on XAVC, XAVC S, AVCHD, XDCAM EX, NXCAM, RED,
and P2 cameras.
Capture to MXF from SD/HD-SDI devices
legacy standard definition formats like Digital Betacam and
high-definition formats including HDCAM and DVCPRO 100 video tapes and
convert them to MPEG-2 50 Mbps 4:2:2 files which conform to the Sony
XDCAM standard. Capture live feeds as XDCAM MXF files and edit them in
Vegas Pro, or archive them for future use. The Sony MXF file format is
roughly one-fourth the bit rate of other HD compression technologies
such as Avid DNxHD or Apple ProRes, so it’s more efficient for hard
drive storage. Despite its small file size, a MXF file still produces a
beautiful 4:2:2 image at a full 1920x1080 raster.
Support for RAW photo files
RAW photo files in your Vegas Pro projects. Download the Microsoft
Camera Codec Pack for Windows 7 and Windows Vista to view and edit RAW
photo files from a wide variety 120 DSLR cameras natively on the
Streaming support for AVC/MP4 encoder
Vegas Pro 13 can now render AVC/MP4 files with streaming support, compatible with most streaming servers.
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